Get here details about ACT Preparation Tips to Crack ACT Exam, ACT Reference Books, ACT Model Papers, ACT Sample Papers as well as ACT Practice Papers online. You can prepare for ACT online with the help of ACT eBooks PDF files.
ACT Preparation Tips- Like SAT, ACT or American College Testing is a standard exam taken by students to secure admission in US Colleges. The exam was introduced as a competitor for SAT. Over the time, the appeal of the exam has increased and a lot of students give the exam. Almost all USA colleges, with a four-year graduate program, accept both ACT and SAT. Both these exams are gateways for students aspiring to study in US universities and colleges. However, there is a difference in the methodology of both the tests and also in their preparations.
ACT Preparation Tips, Practice Papers:-
SAT has remained the commonly taken exam largely. However, since the recent past, ACT is extending its territory. It has proven to be a viable alternative to SAT. So now students can choose to give either of the exams to get admission in US. By getting a good grasp on the structure of the exam and the kind of questions asked, it can be determined which test fits the candidates better.

ACT is an achievement exam meant to test the skills and knowledge of the candidates. It tests the students on four fronts – English, Maths, Reading and Science Reasoning. The writing section is optional. The exam is based on the knowledge you already have, but it is the application of the knowledge that the examiners will evaluate. So although you need not stress out about the exam, you do need to take it seriously and plan your preparation with sincerity if you wish to achieve high scores.
Here are some tips to remember during your preparations and while you sit for the exam:
- Practice – The most important thing that you can do is practice. Sit through as many mock tests as possible via online preparation or books.
- Know the paper – If you practice enough, you will know the directions of the paper. This will help you save time at the real exam for the difficult questions and revision.
- Know your science well – And this does not mean merely the textbook knowledge. Although the questions asked in the science reasoning section are not very difficult, but they do a good job at confusing you. A working knowledge and familiarity with scientific concepts is advantageous here. So make sure you cover that in your practice.
- Fight your weakness – If there is a section at which you are not particularly good, make sure that you give it the extra time that it requires. Do not run away from it because you are not good at it. With enough practice, it won’t be your weakness anymore.
- Attempt all questions – Make sure you attempt all the questions. There is no penalty for a wrong answer. So once you have finished the questions you are sure about, spend time on the ones that you are not sure about. Do not leave out any questions.
- The Writing Section – Should you choose to do the writing section, make sure you have practiced it well before hand. Do not attempt it spontaneously.

ACT Reference Books for Test Preparation:-
In addition to these tips, here is a list of some reference materials that are used for ACT:
- The Real ACT Prep Guide (CD) 3rd Edition
- Cracking the ACT Premium Edition with 8 Practice Tests and DVD, 2015
- ACT Verbal Prep Course
- ACT Math Prep Course
- McGraw-Hill Education ACT 2016, Cross-Platform Edition
- Kaplan ACT 2016
- 1,460 ACT Practice Questions
- Barron’s ACT 36
- ACT Prep Black Book

Other than these tips one should follow general tips and strategies that apply before any exam. Get enough sleep, maintain a good diet, keep time for exercise, keep yourself hydrated and, most importantly, stay positive. If you have worked hard, you will get good results!