Top 10 Colleges in Singapore 2017

Top 10 Colleges in Singapore– Singapore, the Island City-State is also known as the Lion City or the Little Red Dot and is a sovereign city-state in Southeast Asia. The place has a multi-cultural population and a tropical climate.

Singapore is always student’s favourite city for higher education. Every year a large number of students from across the world dreams of studying in the universities in Singapore. There are top colleges in Singapore and grabbing the top list in providing higher education. The college in Singapore have gained a global recognition and are ranked in top most position.

If you are looking for top Ranking Colleges in Singapore, find the details below.

Top 10 Colleges in Singapore:

There are universities and colleges in Singapore that have worldwide recognition and students from across the world are pursuing their higher studies. Find below the list of Top 10 Colleges in Singapore.

  1. National University of Singapore: National University of Singapore (NUS) is in the 2nd position among Asian Universities and in 25th position globally in World University Rankings. It offers the best and recognised courses. For more details visit the official website
  2. Nanyang Technological University: Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked 13th position and 1st in the world’s best newly established universities.
  • Undergraduate tuition fees: Out-of-state tuition fee: 7,850 SGD (2014), International      tuition fee: 15,700 SGD (2014).

For more details, visit the official website

  1. Singapore Management University: Singapore Management University (SMU) is an autonomous university in Singapore located in 81 Victoria St, Singapore. It mainly specialises in undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programmes in Business and Management studies.
  • In-state tuition fee: 10,190 SGD
  • International tuition fee: 17,530 SGD
  • Out-of-state tuition fee: 12,840 SGD

For more details, visit the official website

  1. SIM University: Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) is a university that was renamed as the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). Now, the university is known as SUSS. It provides various social sciences course.
  • Undergraduate tuition fees: 33,079 SGD (2012)
  • International tuition: 39,694.9 SGD (2012)

For more details, visit the official website

  1. Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology: The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) is MIT’s first research center that offers varieties of courses. It is among the top Singapore Colleges in the world.

For more details, visit the official website

  1. Singapore University of Technology and Design: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is one among those autonomous universities that provide variety of programmes related to designs and technology.
  • Undergraduate tuition fees: 12,400 SGD (2016), International tuition: 26,000 SGD     (2016)

For more details, visit the official website

  1. Ngee Ann Polytechnic: Ngee Ann Polytechnic is an institution in Singapore with more than 15,000 full-time and 2,000 part-time students. For enrolment in Ngee Ann Polytechnic visit their website
  2. Singapore Polytechnic: It is the first polyclinic established in Singapore. For more details, visit the website
  3. Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management: The University is in the 8th position in Ivy League universities rankings.

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  1. Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore: The University has US-style graduate medicine collaboration between Duke University and NUS. It has a large number of courses especially designed for the students. For more details, visit the website

Above we have provided the list of top colleges in Singapore rankings. If you have any query, contact us by visiting our website. We will get back to you as soon as possible.