Bihar Board 12th Result 2016- BSEB Intermediate Result Declared at

Check here information about Bihar Board Result 2016, Bihar Board 12th Result 2016 Declare Date, Bihar Board Intermediate Result 2016, BSEB Class 12 Result 2016, Bihar Board 10+2 Result 2016 at website, Name Wise, Roll No. Wise, School Wise. Bihar Board of Secondary Education has announced the Intermediate Science stream result.

Bihar Board 12th Result 2016- The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) successfully conducted the Bihar Board Intermediate Class 12th Examinations in the months of February and March 2016. Close to 9 lakh appeared for the Bihar state board 12th examinations for a number of subjects ranging from Mathematics, English, History, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, Language Subjects, Vocational Trade (I and II) and so on.

Bihar School Examination Board functions under Government of Bihar and it conducts exams for both, public and private, schools in Bihar.

Bihar Board 12th Result 2016 Declaration:

Bihar School Examination Board conducted 12th Board exams from February 18 to March 3, 2016. Hordes of students are awaiting their exam results.

In 2015, Bihar Board Intermediate Result for Science Stream (ISc) were declared on 20 May 2015. In 2014, this date was 27 May 2014. For the Commerce Stream (ICom), BSEB 10+2 Result were declared on 26 May 2015. Lastly, the Bihar Board result declaration date for the Arts/Humanities (IA) stream was May 30 2015. The candidates of Science stream will be able to check their Intermediate result from 10th May 2016.

The pass percentage for Science stream was 89% (88% for boys and 90% for girls). The overall pass percentage was close to 90%. A similar/higher pass percentage is being hoped for in BSEB Intermediate Result 2016.

Bihar Board Intermediate Result 2016:

The Bihar Board 12th Result 2016 or Bihar Board 10+2 Result 2016 is expected to be declared in the third week of May 2016. BSEB declares its results streamwise i.e. separately for each of the three streams – Science, Commerce and Arts. The dates of result declaration for ISc, ICom and IA are different, and students of each stream have to check their results on the respective notified dates.

The Bihar Board 12th Result 2016 for Science stream is expected in the third week of May 2016. The Bihar Board 10+2 Result 2016 date for Commerce Stream is also expected to fall a bit later than the Science Result date. Arts students can also expect their result within the month of May 2016 but after a few days gap of Science and Commerce streams.

Overall, the BSEB will announce the streamwise, namewise and roll number wise Bihar Board Intermediate result 2016 in the third and fourth weeks of May 2016. These are the expected dates, the exact official result declaration dates would soon be notified by the conducting agency – BSEB. Students will be able to find the confirmed dates in the news.

How to obtain Bihar Board 12th Result 2016?

To download your BSEB Intermediate Result 2016, follow the given steps:

  1. Log on the official BSEB website – or http://www.
  2. Navigate to the latest announcements/notifications corner of the homepage and click on the link showing  Bihar Board Intermediate Result 2016
  3. Wait for the results window to open and enter all the required credentials like Name, Roll Number, Date of Birth etc.
  4. Click on the Submit button
  5. Check your Bihar Board 12th Result 2016 and preserve a downloaded copy for future use.

Check Bihar Board 12th Science Result 2016

The Bihar Board 12th Class Marksheet can be collected from your respective schools after the results. Usually, schools notify the students once they obtain the Merit List and the Marksheet for them to collect.

Good luck for your results!