GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam Syllabus- Of the many subjects that GATE covers for its exam, Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT) are the most important. Most candidates appearing for the exam belong to either one of these fields. GATE has a specific pattern and a set syllabus for all the branches, which may or may not vary every year. GATE 2016 is round the corner and the appearing candidates are busy preparing for the exam. For the preparation of such a tough exam, it is vital to know the exam pattern and syllabus. This article is devoted to provide relevant information regarding GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam Syllabus and Pattern as well as GATE 2016 Practice Papers, Model Papers, GATE Computer Science Exam Syllabus 2016, GATE CSE Exam Syllabus 2016, GATE IT Exam Syllabus 2016, GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam Schedule.

Gate 2016 CS/ IT Exam Syllabus and Pattern:-
GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam syllabus is well sorted. There are three sections of the GATE 2016 exam for Computer Science branch and the candidate must be prepared with the syllabus of all these sections. The syllabus of General Aptitude is the same for all the papers. The syllabus for Engineering Mathematics must be prepared by students appearing for the CS/IT branch along with other branches such as AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, EE, etc. This syllabus includes:
- Discrete Mathematics
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Probability
NOTE: GATE Computer Science exam syllabus and GATE IT exam syllabus are same.
GATE 2016 CS/ IT exam syllabus includes the following:
- Digital Logic
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Programming and Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Theory of Computation
- Complier Design
- Operating System
- Databases
- Computer Networks
All questions in the GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam will come from this syllabus. Students should try to keep their study limited and focused to these topics.
GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam Pattern:-
To know the GATE CSE exam pattern beforehand is very helpful in preparation. Just as GATE 2016 Exam syllabus of Computer Science and Information Technolgy is sorted out, GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam pattern is also set. In general, the pattern of the exam may change if the authorities feel the need. The Schedule for every GATE exam can be compared with the pattern of previous exams. However, Gate 2016 CS/ IT Exam pattern is out. The pattern of the paper will be as such:
- All the papers will contain 65 questions, carrying a total of 100 marks. Of these, a total of 10 questions, carrying 15 marks, will be of the General Aptitude section.
- In the paper of CS/IT, including others such as AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, EE, etc., 15% of the total marks will belong to the Engineering Mathematics section, 15% to the General Aptitude section and the remaining 70% of the total marks will belong to the subject.
- There will be two kinds of questions in GATE 2016 CS/IT Exam pattern – (a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), carrying 1 or 2 marks each (in all papers and sections). A choice of four answers will be given. The candidate will be required to mark the correct answer out of the given choices. (b) Numerical Answer Questions, each carrying 1 or 2 marks (in all papers and sections). No multiple choices will be given for these questions and the candidate will be required to solve the question and enter the correct answer.
- By following this exam pattern, the following abilities of the candidate are put to test – Recall/Memory, Comprehension, Application and Analysis & Synthesis.
- Negative marking will be applicable for MCQ but not for numerical questions.
GATE 2016 CS/ IT Exam syllabus and pattern are also available on the official website of GATE 2016 Exam. These key points will help the students to have a steady and focused approach in preparation. We hope our information helps all the students working hard for the exam and we wish them all the best!