IBPS CWE VI 2016 Exam Dates has been released. So, the candidates who were looking for IBPS CWE 2016 Exam Calender can check here now. The IBPS CWE VI 2016 Exam Dates released for Clerk, PO/MT, SO Exams.
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IBPS CWE VI 2016 Exam Calendar:
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is soon going to carry out the IBPS PO exams of the preliminary and main stages. The candidates from different parts of the country who have been preparing for the exams have been eagerly waiting for the release of the IBPS PO 2016 Exam Date. IBPS Clerk 2016 Exam Date is an important resource for effective and timely preparation for the exam. This is why, this article contains the latest information regarding the release of the IBPS SO 2016 Exam Date. You can find the officially declared IBPS MT 2016 Exam Date for both Prelims and Main Exams here.

About the IBPS PO CWE VI 2016
Many young people around the country look for government jobs after their graduation. In order to get a job in one of the public sector banks (PSBs), they apply for the Common Written Examination (CWE) held by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). The CWE for Probation Officer is soon going to be held, and the candidates who have applied to appear in the exams have been waiting for notifications regarding the exam dates. The exam dates along with further important information can be obtained by going through this article.
Name of the Recruiting Organization | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Name of the Examination | Common Written Examination (CWE) |
Names of the Posts | Probationary Officer (PO)Clerical CadreSpecialist Officer (SO) |
Number of Participating PSBs and RRBs | 21 |
Status of Exam Schedule | Released and available here |
Link to the Official Website | http://www.ibps.in |
IBPS CWE VI 2016 Exam Dates
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is going to conduct the IBPS CWE 2016 very soon for the posts of PO, SO and Clerk. The selection process is now carried out in three stages:
- Preliminary Examination
- Main Examination
- Personal Interview
The IBPS CWE VI 2016 Exam Dates for all the different stages have been released by IBPS now, divided according to each post. The dates will prove to be really helpful to all appearing candidates in their preparation before the exams. As the time of tests is approaching, they had been looking for the exam schedule. They can now obtain it right here as well as on the official website of IBPS.
IBPS 2016 Exam Calendar:
Name of the Post | Stage of Examination | Date of Examination |
PO / MT | Preliminary Exam | 16th October 201622nd October 201623rd October 2016 |
–PO / MT– | Main Examination | 20th November 2016 |
Clerical Cadre | Preliminary Exam | 26th November 201627th November 20163rd December 2016 |
4th December 2016–Clerical Cadre–Main Examination31st December 20161st January 2017Specialist Officer (SO)Single Examination28th January 201729th January 2017
The common topics covered in these examinations include the following:
- General Awareness
- Banking Awareness
- Reasoning
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Computer Knowledge
Keep frequenting the official website to stay in the loop with the latest notifications.
Candidates are also advised to stay tuned with us and Bookmark this page to get latest updates regarding IBPS PO/MT, Clerk, SO Application Form, Answer Keys, Admit Card Previous Year Question Papers, Exam Pattern & Syllabus, Cut Off Marks and Results, etc.