IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Syllabus and Pattern for Maths, Physics, Chemistry- The JEE Main 2016 is approaching, and a large number of candidates across India have been preparing for a long time to appear in the test. The information brochure for the exam is not yet released, but is expected to be

available on the second week of November. Since 2016 is nearing, the candidates have begun to look for the IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Syllabus as well as the IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Pattern. This article focuses on providing applicants with relevant information regarding the syllabus and examination pattern, along with available details of the IIT JEE Main Exam Schedule 2016.
IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Syllabus and Pattern:-
The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main is conducted every year for the selection of students from across the nation for their admission in several engineering colleges in India, including the different NITs, IIITs and GFTIs. The exam is organized by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), and is usually held in the month of April. Moreover, the JEE Advanced Exam for entrance of students in IITs can only be taken by candidates who cross a specified cutoff in the JEE Main Exam.

Name of the Conducting Organization | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) |
Name of the Exam | Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main |
Commencement of Online Registration | First week of November |
Deadline of Registration | Third week of December |
Offline Exam | 1st week of April |
Online Exam | 2nd week of April |
Age Limit | Students must be born on or after October 1st 2015(Relaxation of five years is allowed for SC / ST / PWD candidates) |
Allowed Number of Attempts | 3 |
IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Syllabus:-
The IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Syllabus is essential for any candidate preparing to take the exam. The syllabus is mostly that for classes XI and XII in the CBSE board. Candidates can get here IIT JEE Main 2016 Maths Exam Syllabus, IIT JEE Main 2016 Chemistry Exam Syllabus, IIT JEE Main 2016 Physics Exam Syllabus The syllabus for different subjects is provided here:
The different units in Mathematics Syllabus are as follows.
- Sets, Relations, Functions
- Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equations
- Matrices, Determinants
- Permutations, Combinations
- Mathematical Induction
- Binomial Theorem, Its Applications
- Sequences, Series
- Limit, Continuity, Differentiability
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Coordinate Geometry
- 3-D Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Statistics, Probability
- Trigonometry
- Mathematical Reasoning
Units in Chemistry:
- Basic Concepts
- States of Matter
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding, Molecular Structure
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Solutions
- Equilibrium
- Redox, Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
Units in Physics (Section A):
- Measurement
- Kinematics
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy, Power
- Rotational Motion
- Gravitations
- Properties of Solids and Liquids
- Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Oscillations, Waves
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Current, Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Currents
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Matter, Radiation
- Atoms, Nuclei
- Electronic Devices
- Communication Systems
The section-B consists of Experimental Skills
Part-I: Awareness of places, persons, materials, buildings, texture and objects relevant to Architecture and build-environment. Visualization of sides of 3-D objects on 2-D drawings. Analytical Reasoning, and Mental Ability (Numerical, Visual and Verbal).
Part-II: 3-D perception: scale and proportion, building elements and forms, harmony, color texture and contrast. Design and drawing geometrical or abstract patterns and shapes. Transformation (2-D and 3-D): Union, Rotation, Subtraction, and Development of surface and volume. Plan generation, elevation, 3-D view. 2-D and 3-D composition based on given forms and shapes.
Sketching: scenes, activities of urban-scape, landscape and rural life from memory.
IIT JEE Main 2016 Paper Pattern:-
Apart from the IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Syllabus, students should also know IIT JEE Main 2016 Paper Pattern or IIT JEE Main 2016 Exam Pattern so as to perform more efficiently in the exam.
Mode of Exam | OnlineOffline |
Duration | 3 hours (an hour extra to PWD) |
Number of Questions | 90 |
Type of Questions | MCQ |
Negative Marking for incorrect answers | ¼ mark |
Language | HindiEnglish |
Keep checking the official website of JEE Main 2016 to know the latest notifications.
Candidates are also advised to stay tuned with us for more upcoming news related to IIT JEE 2016 Main Exam. Ou team will provide you here best IIT JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers, IIT JEE Main Preparation Tips, IIT JEE Main Model Papers/ Sample Papers, Expected Cut Off, etc.
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