Minimum IELTS Score of Top B-Schools in North America

IELTS i.e., The International English Language Testing System, is a conventional evidence of English language proficiency by over 9000 organizations worldwide. It is the major benchmark for entry into top management schools across the globe.

The two hours forty five minutes test consisting of listening, reading, writing and speaking, is an important prerequisite apart from GMAT or GRE scores to get admission in top business schools.

North America, the historical home of business schools, has been one of the most formidable destinations for MBA aspirants. With archaic giants like Harvard and The Wharton School, which introduced the first MBA over a century ago, North America has always been a fascinating anticipation for employers to recruit MBAs from. However, an average score of 7 in IELTS band is a mandatory requirement to get admission into the finest business schools in North America.

Minimum IELTS Score of Top B-Schools in North America:-

The preeminent business schools in North America along with their IELTS cut off are enlisted below:-

  1. Harvard business School, USA: Thegraduate business school of Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, United, Harvard Business school offers a large full time MBA Program accepting a least IELTS score of 7.5.
  1. Booth School of Business, USA: Located at theUniversity of Chicago in Illinois, it is the second-oldest business school in the U.S. The first to instigate a D. program in business, Booth school of Business, accepts a minimum IELTS score of 7.0.
  1. Kellogg School of Management, USA: Ranked as one of the top business schools in the world by S. News & World Report, Business Weekand other business news outlets, the Kellogg School of Management situated in the Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, accepts an average IELTS score of 7.0.
  1. UCLA Anderson School of Management, USA: Situated at the University of California, Los Angeles, The UCLA Anderson School of Management offers MBA, Financial Engineering and Ph.D. degrees. It intakes students with an average IELTS score of 7.0.
  1. Rotman School of Management, Canada: TheUniversity of Toronto‘s graduate business school, located in Downtown Toronto, The Rotman School of Management offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in finance, business administrationand commerce, MBA programs along with a Master of Finance program and a doctoral program, known as the Rotman PhD. One requires having a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 to get into this University.


  1. Sloan School of Management, USA: The Business schoolof theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, situated in CambridgeMassachusettsUSA, the full time MBA program by MIT Sloan is ranked 1 in more disciplines than any other business school. It requires an average IELTS score of 7.0.
  1. Haas School of Business, USA: One of 14 schools and colleges at the University of California, Berkeley, the Haas School of Business offers MBA and PhD programs along with Master of Financial Engineering Program and is consistently ranked as one of the top ten business schools in worldwide rankings published by The Financial Times, The Economist,Bloomberg Business week , and US News & World Report. It accepts a minimum IELTS score of 7.0.
  1. Schulich School of Business,Canada: York University‘s business school located in TorontoOntarioCanada,Schulich School of Business offers undergraduate and graduate degree and diploma programs in finance, business analytics, business administration, accounting, public administration and international business as well as a number of PhD and executive programs. It accepts a score of 7.5.


  1. Ivey Business School, Canada: Thebusiness school of Ontario Ivey, Ivey offers full-time undergraduate (HBA), MBA, and PhD programs. It accepts a minimum IELTS score of 8.0.
  1. Desautels Faculty of Management, Canada: A faculty ofMcGill University, The Desautels Faculty of Management offers a range of undergraduate and graduate-level programs including the Bachelor of Commerce, MBA and PhD in management degrees. It permits a minimum IELTS score of 7.0.

There are many other A-grade business colleges like The Wharton School, Stanford University, Columbia Business School etc which take admissions on the basis of TOEFFEL scores other than GMAT and IELTS. The dominance of North American Business Schools is quite evident from the regional ratings as well. Therefore, they prove to be among the finest choices for MBA applicants.