Official Guide to TOEFL Test 4th Edition- What could be better than a complete guide to the very popular TOEFL, written by the people who make the test? Yes, you read that right! The Official Guide to TOEFL Test is, as the name clearly suggests, the most reliable piece of eBook to make it through the only important test that assesses students and accordingly allows them to get admitted to foreign universities. You can find practice questions and other guides in millions of places, but going through them you’ll eventually realize they have all been made so poorly! Authenticity is not guaranteed and you will not know if you’ve read the wrong questions! So what do you do? You download the TOEFL iBT eBooks 4th Education 2015 or probably go for TOEFL iBT online preparation books.

Official Guide to TOEFL Test 4th Edition 2015- Complete eBook:-
There is more than just one reason why it is famous and reliable. I have compiled a whole list of qualities of this uniquely remarkable product.
- It is made by ETS- the test makers themselves. Now, these people have included the types of questions that the test contains, to make you familiar with TOEFL. You can rely on this guide for its authenticity.
- With three full practice tests of 12 hours, this TOEFL iBT complete book has a significant amount of reading based questions, which is great. Why, you ask? Because we Indians are not too good with the comprehension part and need to spend a good amount of time to practice the right reading samples.
- The practice tests are extremely similar to the real tests, which makes it so much more helpful.
- The best part about the guide is its simplicity. The manner in which the text is written is free of diplomacies and clear and concrete with the idea. This removes all the possibilities of being misunderstood.
- The difficult words in the TOEFL Book latest edition have been described in footnotes, in extremely clear and easy to understand fashion. Isn’t that plain awesome? You get to learn new words without that boring dictionary!
- Via the Official Guide to TOEFL test, you can learn the skills of writing a beautiful passage combined with speaking and reading skills that are required during college level interaction and communication.
- It also has a Writer’s Handbook!
- There are more than a hundred real TOEFL test questions and essay topics.
- Once you get this guide, there is no need to surf the internet for scoring criteria! The TOEFL Book Latest Edition has it all from detailed explanation of scoring to measurement criteria.
- It also gives you handy tips before going for the exam. This enhances your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to an extent that you would be a totally different person altogether!
Official Guide to TOEFL Test 4th Edition
The Official Guide to TOEFL test 4th Edition eBook is a great eBook but you should not completely rely on it. You have to get more English experience to secure an above average score. This could include reading a huge number of books (huge number doesn’t mean 10-20 books, it means no less than 60-70), conversing in English ALWAYS, watching as many English movies and TV shows as you can with the subtitles on, practising grammar through books like Wren and Martin. Outside of bookwork and practice tests, there is a world filled with English-speaking folks who would help you get introduced to correct pronunciations, cool phrases, excellent idioms that can be used in your passages. Also, you can go through blogs, TED talks, to get a touch of good writing skills. This is no new advice, I think, because you probably knew it anyway! But were you working on it? No! Stop being ashamed of speaking incorrect English! Welcome corrections, and stop being that arrogant egotist. Now get your lazy ass working and go join an English club!
Here’s a link to download the Official Guide to TOEFL Test 4th Edition eBook PDF form of the Official Guide to TOEFL test 4th edition:
Official Guide to TOEFL Test 4th Edition eBook PDF
And remember, I’m watching you!
Good luck!