Telangana Inter 1st Year Result 2016 | TS 10+2 Results 2016 to be Announced

Telangana Inter 1st Year Result 2016, Telangana Inter First Year Result 2016, TS Inter 1st Year Result 2016, BIEAP Inter First Year Result 2016, Telangana Board Inter Result 2016, Telangana Board Inter First Year Result 2016, Declare Date, Announce Date, branch wise, Marksheet, Merit List

Telangana Inter 1st Year Result 2016 to be announced soon. Catch the latest updates regarding TS Inter 1st Year Result 2016 here. This article provides you with all the essential information about Telangana Board Inter First year Result 2016.

Telangana Inter 1st Year Result 2016:

Telangana Board was established in the year 2014 and from then it took charge to conduct Telangana Intermediate Examination every year to judge students’ knowledge. Telangana State Intermediate Board conduct exams and provide proper guidance for the improvement of the education system and also granting all affiliations to various colleges in the Telangana state. Telangana Board conducts exams for MPC, BIPC, HEC, CEC streams at various centres in Telangana state. Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education conducted the Inter First year Exam 2016 in Month of March 2016 (2nd to 19th March) for which around 5 lakhs students have appeared. It had released the notification for the first year Inter Exam earlier and also provided syllabus for the examination.

Telangana Inter First Year Result 2016:

Now, the students who have the written the Telangana Inter First year examination are eagerly waiting for the BIEAP Inter First Year Result 2016  to get declared. Here is a good news for them, the wait is over now. Telangana Board Results for Inter First year was expected to be announced on 20th April 2016 but now it is confirmed that Telangana Inter 1sr Year Result 2016 will be live on 22nd April or 23rd April 2016.

From today, Students will be able to access the Telangana Inter 1st Year Result 2016 from the official website Students can check the Telangana Inter First Year Result 2016 by following the steps mentioned below:

How to check Telangana TS 10+2 Result 2016:

  • Go to the official web portal
  • Look for Telangana Inter First Year Result 2016
  • Click on it and a new page gets open
  • Enter certain details like Hall ticket Number, Registration Number
  • Your result will get display on the screen
  • Take the print out of your BIEAP Inter First Year Result 2016 for further use

Telangana State Board is going to release Telangana Inter First Year Result 2016 Branch wise. All the students who appear in the exams are examined on the basis of their streams. As there is different marking scheme for different streams. For Arts students, the first year inter exam is of 500 marks, for MPC Student it is of 470 marks in the first year and 530 marks in the second year.  BIPC students write the exam of 440 marks in first year and 560 marks in the 2nd year.

Telangana State Board provides candidates a chance to re-attempt the exam with supplementary exams if they get failed in the exam. Also, a candidate can apply for improvement exams to improve their scores, if he/she is not satisfied with their current score and are willing to perform better.

Telangana State Board has successfully released the Telangana Inter First Year Result 2016 on Wednesday, 22nd April. Candidates should visit the official website frequently for the latest updates regarding Telangana Inter 1st Year Result 2016 or Telangana Inter First Year result 2016 is also going to update soon on the official website.