Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Admit Card 2015- Hall Ticket Download

Have you Applied for Uttarakhand Patwari and Lekhpal Exam? If yes, then you must be looking for Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Admit Card 2015 with different keywords like Uttarakhand Patwari Admit Card 2015, Uttarakhand Lekhpal Admit Card 2015, Uttarakhand Patwari Hall Ticket 2015, Uttarakhand Lekhpal Hall Ticket 2015 at various websites.

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About Uttarakhand Lekhpal and Patwari Vacancies 2015:-

A huge number of forms have been filled this year for the post of Patwari and Lekhpal. The exam is conducted by the Department of Revenue and Board of Revenue for State Government of Uttarakhand, which is responsible for the collection and administration of taxes of the state. The competition will be tough as the number of vacant seats is 1644 in which 1261 are for the patwari posts and 428 for the Lekhpal posts. After filling the forms candidates are eagerly waiting for the exam admit card.

Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Admit Card 2015 Releases:-

There is good news for the candidates as department of revenue and board of revenue for state government of Uttrakhand has released the date of Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal admit card 2015 which is 30th November, 2015.

The admit card is of utmost importance as candidates will be asked to show it in the examination and failing to do so will make them ineligible for the exam and their registration will get cancelled. Forms for the same was released on 22nd September and the last day for filling the form is 10th November, 2015.  All those who are looking for a government and have minimum educational qualification which is graduate from any recognized university of the country should fill the form and start preparing for the exam. Exam will be conducted on 27th December 2015. So, there is still ample time for preparation. Exam will be conducted at various exam centres all across the state. Uttarakhand Lekhpal Admit Card 2015 and Uttarakhand Patwari Admit card 2015 will be required at all the centres. The total weightage of the question paper will be of 80 marks in which candidates will be analysed under various categories such as-

  • General awareness and knowledge
  • Language efficiency
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • Reasoning ability

Purpose behind these categories is-

  • General awareness and knowledge-

    This is to check the awareness of the candidate about his immediate surrounding and the current affairs.

  • Language efficiency-

    This is to check the efficiency and proficiency of the candidate in any of the language.

  • Mathematics-

    This is to check the mathematical aptitude of the candidate and this section will consist of basic mathematical questions based on percentage, profit and loss etc.

  • Reasoning ability-

    This is to evaluate the candidate on his reasoning ability and efficiency. It will consist of questions based on spatial arrangements, patterns etc.

Total time given for the exam will be 2 hours and all the questions will be of MCQ type.

But candidates have to clear a few more levels except for the written exam which are-

  1. Physical test
  2. Written exam
  3. Medical test
  4. Document verification

Also the criteria of age limit is to be considered. There is a little relaxation for the OBC/SC/ST categories-

For patwari post21 to 28 years

For lekhpal post21 to 35 years

Also, the application fees for candidates of general category is Rs. 3oo and for reserved category is Rs. 150.

Few important details about the exam are-

1 Name of organization- Department of Revenue and Board of Revenue for State Government of Uttarakhand
2 Posts- PatwariLekhpal
3 Total vacancy-PatwariLekhpal 1261428
4 Date of form filling 22nd September- 10th November
5 Age limitPatwariLekhpal 21 to 28 years21 to 35 years
6 Qualification requirement Graduation from any recognized university
7 Date of release of admit card 30TH November, 2015
8 Date of exam 27th December, 2015

How to Download Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Admit Card 2015:-

Candidates should download their Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal admit card 2015 now as they have been uploaded by Revenue and Board of Revenue the department of Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Call Letters are very important as one’s eligibility for the exam will get invalid if one fails to show the Uttarakhand Patwari Exam  Admit card at the examination center. Admit card and the enrolment number of the candidates must be known to them before entering into the examination hall. In order to download their Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal admit card 2015 candidates are required to follow the following steps-

  • Go to the official site of revenue.uk.gov.in
  • Look for the option of patiwari lekhpal admit card
  • Enter the required details. This may include the date of birth or enrollment number of the candidate along with their names.
  • Admit card will be displayed.
  • One should get a photocopy of the admit card for showing it in the examination halls and for future references.

Click here to Download Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Hall Ticket 2015

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