WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016 for 1st, 3rd, 5th Semester Result for December 2015 can be checked here. WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016 will be available on the official website which is www.webscte.org very soon. Students who have given the exam can refer to this article to know about the WBSCTE Diploma Dec 2015 Result.
WBSCTE Polytechnic Result 2016 for 1st, 3rd, 5th Semester:
West Bengal State Council of Technical Education which is commonly known as WBSCTE is a body which aims at imparting technical knowledge in the students who are not able to attend college regularly. The West Bengal State Council of Technical Education has been successfully taking the written exam in form of semesters every year for all engineering and technical streams. The examination has been conducted in December 2015 for 1st, 3rd and 5th semester and the candidates are very excited to see their WBSCTE Diploma polytechnic December 2015 Result.
West Bengal Diploma odd semester Result 2015 is going to be released very soon. Students will be able to see the result on the official website by the end of the month of March. However, no official date has been announced yet, but it is expected to release in the last week of March 2016. The examination is concluded and the students are waiting for the Result. The WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016 will be uploaded on the official website of the WBSCTE which is “webscte.org”. If the students are curious to know about the updates regarding WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016, then they will have to visit the website regularly.
West Bengal Polytechnic December 2015 Result will be announced soon, therefore the students who have been waiting for their West Bengal State Council of Technical Education Exam result 2015 are suggested to check the official website regularly for the announcement of the release date of WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016.
WBSCTE Diploma polytechnic December 2015 Result:
One can follow these steps to check WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016 for 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester:
- Open the official website of WBSCTE i.e. “webscte.org”
- Go to the result section
- Search for the link for “Result of Diploma in Engineering & Technology (1st, 3rd & 5th semester) Examinations held in December 2015” and click on it
- There will be a notification regarding official release date of result and link of few sites where students can check the result
- Click any of the links to check your result
- When you will visit the site, you will see a state wise list of the result
- Click on “West Bengal” and there you will find link “WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016“
- Fill essential details like roll number or Registration number, semester name and course details
- Click “Submit” button and your result will get open on the screen.
- The applicants should take a hard copy and keep it safe for further use.
The above process may have some changes as it is given by following last year’s process of checking the WBSCTE Diploma Result.
The websites where WBSCTE Diploma Result 2016 will be available are www.exametc.com, www.indiaresults.com and www.examresults.net.