There are immeasurable benefits for the students who study abroad, both academically and personally. Being in a new place by yourself can be overwhelming at times. Study abroad allows you to experience another part of yourself in a different setting. Plus, if all that hurry is geared towards success in your career, international education will most definitely be worth your time and this is important for Personal Development. It is not only an expedition of self-discovery but also an investment in your resume. The merits of studying abroad include learning a new language, boosting your résumé, and experiencing new things, while the demerits include crippling homesickness, high costs, and cultural barriers. Many young people have no progress when they study abroad. It is because they have a bad attitude, less self-control. Usually, they are lazy and giving up on themselves. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent of Personal Development and intercultural effectiveness of students who study abroad and to determine the relationship of program design (homestay, conducting an on-site project, language level obtained prior to the study) to Personal Development and intercultural effectiveness. Personal Development is the “process of growth, evolution, expansion, and maturation of the individual self. Americans studying abroad described Personal Development as one of their goals. It comes as no surprise that students today frequently report this as part of the experience.
In some rare cases, some younger people cause several serious criminal problems in other countries when they study abroad. Not only will you look great on a resume, but it’s possible that you can also acquire a job more quickly if you study abroad. According to the University of California, 97 percent of students who studied abroad found a job within 12 months after their college graduation. It gives students the experience of a lifetime for students to gain such an invaluable experience. It is an excellent opportunity to come into close contact with a distinct culture in their day-to-day life and return home with plenty of cherished memory. When individuals study abroad with a university, they’re more or less stuck in one locale for the duration of the semester. If a student has the funds, he or she may be able to purchase a train ticket and travel from one country to the next, but then again, there are time constraints to think about. International Business Seminars believes that education takes place both in and out of a classroom. While students must get the opportunity to meet with like-minded professionals and study under the tutelage of a knowledgeable professor, it is also important that business students get the opportunity to explore the offerings and culture of each country. Being in a foreign country forces individuals to exercise their independence and act on their curiosities. If you want to discover yourself and explore new cultures at the same time, there is no better way to do so than to place yourself in a foreign environment for an extended period.
Employers today value those with worldly experiences and education, two things that our programs provide tenfold. International Business Seminars has connections with leading global companies such as AT&T, Coca-Cola, BMW, and more. Students who join one of our programs get the chance to meet with CEOs and other business executives, as well as the very rare opportunity to stay in the same hotels and frequent the same restaurants as company big-wigs. One needs to be spiritually, mentally, and physically strong along with managing things as one is not at their native place.