Study Abroad Destinations- It is a tough decision to decide where to study abroad and which are top countries for higher education. Some students have clear vision with location whereas others search for new and exotic locations for study abroad. Because of the presence of better learning opportunities, safety, language barrier and better schools students consider studying abroad.

Most Popular Study Abroad Destinations:
The reasons are many; here are most popular study abroad destinations:
For English speaking students, UK is one of the :top study abroad destinations. It is rather the most populous destination for study abroad and the vacationers.
2. Italy
Italy ranked among the top list for vacationers and study abroad students. Individuals can choose amazing places in Italy like Rome or Florence. Even the Europe’s oldest university too is in Italy. Pisa, known for its leaning tower, Bologna refers to the big tourist centers and other Italian cities like Verona and Milan attracts for study abroad programs.
3. Spain
With the advantage of language learning and other schooling reasons, Spain ranks high on a list of places to study abroad. Spain is a mixture of European culture and extremely Mediterranean climate; it is a backpaper’s delight.
4. France
Students interested in French language skills are well suited to enjoy the study abroad. Individuals of fashion, art, history and cuisine manage to study in France.
5. China
Considering the country’s overall rise in economic power, learning Chinese language makes China the most populous country to study abroad. China too is one step on the road to international business success in modern world.
6. Australia
The two more popular cities Sydney and Melbourne are the exotic locations to study abroad in Australia. Most students enjoy studying abroad in the western city of Perth and a lot more to enjoy here.