Every year, lots of students from all over the India go to USA fur further studies. Before going to United States you must know Why USA Is The Best Destination To Study Abroad? Millions of aspirants search for Study Abroad USA, Best Study Abroad Colleges in USA, Best USA Colleges. In this article, you will find the top 10 reasons why USA is the best destination to study abroad.
Why USA is The Best Destination To Study Abroad:-
Since 19th century, The United States of America has been a leader in development of science and technology. With a great diversity in culture and geography, USA surely is the best option to be considered while looking at foreign courses.
The reason is not limited to just education, but has a much deeper prospective.
Of course, the policies and conveniences proffered by the Universities strike our mind initially. Undoubtedly, the American Education system clears all doubts.

Here are the major reasons to opt for US Universities-
- Plenty of Universities to choose from-There are over 4,500 Universities offering Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in a vast variety of subjects. The facilities provided by them with a sagacious and pragmatic learning, offering analytical way of perception, is a major reason why they are ranked among the best Universities in the world.
- Scholarships-Statistics reveal that about 15% of the undergraduate students studying in Universities in US, report them as their primary source of funding. Scholarships are available based on extra curriculum, academics, grades, gender, country origin, financial needs etc. You may get a scholarship for yourself as well if you look closer. There are numerous programs like Foreign Fullbright Student Program, Humphrey Fellowship Program, American University Scholarships, Amherest College Scholarships, Cornell University scholarship, New York University Wagner scholarships, AAUW International scholarships, etc. which fund students’ educational courses.
- Variety of courses-The Universities offer Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses to choose from stereotyped courses to creative and even weird ones like wine tasting, maple syrup, golf course management, furniture making etc. This gives students to learn more in their field of interest and even get graduated with the same!
- Only work speaks-The Universities do not entertain biased entrances and favours based on hierarchal, gender or source from a powerful person. Politics, which kill creative energy and lower the morale of individual, is something quite usual in our country. On the contrary, American Universities welcome real solid flair, hence, providing a better learning opportunity.
- Sports-America cherishes an exciting vibrant love for sports. Whether it is cheering your favorite football team or playing intramural sports yourself, the fun factor is unmatchable. Crazy yet equally thrilling activities like para sailing, sky diving, water rafting, canoeing, skiing, free fall, paint ball, snorkeling, etc can definitely add amusing memories to the pages of your life.
- Funding-US govt. spends a lot in the funding of experiments and inventions opening gates to the world of improved technology and science. There is no corruption or compromises made with educational future.
- Inspirations all around-The University has a pool of talents making working conditions quite informative and inspirational. There are people full of positive energy all around you working as part timers, founders of successful start-ups and jam packed with plentiful talents which motivate others.
- Internationalise and strengthen your CV-Getting a Post Graduate or Under Graduate degrees from Universities in US adds stars to your CV, impressing interviewers thereby making you a desirable and deserving candidate for various jobs.
Therefore, The US with its amazing provisions, proves itself to be the best place to study abroad, excelling in almost every field.