While electing the Courses to study in USA, one must always keep in mind the fact that being an extremely popular destination for any foreign students, United States has an amazing student friendly atmosphere both in terms of Federal and/or State laws and incorporates an extremely transparent admission procedure. Be it the most popular courses in USA or the top degrees in USA, stay rest assured of a systematic application, follow up and admission procedure in every Institute.
The theory of education abroad: Although the courses to study in USA can be of any subject that interests the applicant, yet the courses to study in US after 12th Standard is different from the other top degrees in USA at post graduation or higher levels. In general, an applicant with commerce background would prefer the US colleges offering degrees and courses with major in Business Administration, Accounting, Business Studies and Finance.
Again an applicant with Humanities and Arts background can choose to major among the most popular courses in US like linguistic or cultural studies, courses on Literature and creative writing (one of the best in world), Mass communication and advertising, communications. Finally those from a Science background have a plethora of majors to choose from: Computer engineering to civil engineering, Computer Science, Electrical engineering, Mathematics, biomedical sciences and several others based upon both the candidate’s acumen as well as area of interest.
One must always remember that a Bachelors Degree from USA after 12th standard is highly beneficial for any one landing up with a job post degree and offers the candidate a great upper edge to apply for extensive higher study & post graduation degree in world class universities both within US or other country.
Top Courses to study in USA:
- Business Management: Around 20% of international students are pursuing this course which makes it as the premier course that can be opted as a significant learning opportunity.
- Physical and Life Sciences: Medicine and Biology has been a hit amongst international students since the last decade. Their traditional nature can be taken as an advantage. The earning potential is also huge.
- Engineering: Engineering is always a bread winner, be it in any country. MIT is the holy place in USA for engineering. Also, engineering is the most searched course in USA which makes it a deal breaker for international students.
- Maths and Computer Science: After business and engineering, maths and computer science attract most of the international students. Again MIT is a place of worship for international students for these courses.
- Social Sciences: Around 75,000 international students are enrolled in humanities. Subjects like Journalism, anthropology, and international relations are covered in social sciences. Job opportunities are also easily available for a social science student.
Why USA? USA again tops the list for post graduate studies after completion of graduation elsewhere. The reason being plenty of financial aid available for Masters Studies as well as the fact that often candidates choose to extend the Masters into a Doctoral degree with much ease. Best courses to study in USA after graduation ranges from Masters in Business Administration, MS in Business Studies, Engineering degrees, Economics, Information Science, Psychology and cognitive science. Medical Sciences and Medicine is another field where many prefer to gain specialization in USA. In fact, Medical science is one of the top most sought after course in USA. With sufficient scope, student friendly financing options, courses to study in US after graduation becomes quite easy and affordable.
What’s next? Finally, the applicants who wish to take up courses to study in USA after post graduation, they are mostly an experienced lot seeking to pursue knowledge based active research work. For them, studying in US offers a variety of both financial assistance as well as a global outreach in terms of knowledge base. The most preferred courses for doctoral studies in USA or courses after post graduation is PhD in Biological Sciences, English Literature, Mathematical and physical sciences, Business Studies and Economics.
For each level, one must remember that, the applicant needs a thorough checklist of results from standardized tests i.e Scholastic Aptitude Test for admission to courses after 12th standard, Graduate Record Examination for admission to courses for Masters and after post graduation; transcripts of all academic records made up to date, letters from teachers and professors who have taught previously. Before applying for any courses to study in USA, valid documents required for immigration and speaking to universities and Institutes with due arrangement for visa is a must.
All of that in place and be certain of having the best time as a student to learn, live and go miles in United States.