The option to work-time while studying and Part-Time Jobs is a blessing for many international students, as it helps them meet the expenses. Working while studying abroad may be helpful to lighten your student loan burden and gaining working experience. Not only this, but these jobs will also allow you to earn some extra bucks to pay off your bills or fund travel activities that would have been outside the budget. If you’re thinking to study abroad, it’s very important to take several things into account like the laws in your country to study abroad, limited maximum hours for work, or whether your visa allows you to work or not. These rules and regulations vary from country to country. Although every university allows its students to earn some extra money through part-time jobs, one should consider the number of hours permitted to you by your student visa. The goals of studying abroad are not only limited to a great education but also help you to build your overall personality, learn and gain experiences, develop global perspectives, make you independent, and improves the standard of living.

Working Part-Time Jobs is the first step in becoming a great learner and earner. It has its own advantages that it helps you to build your network area. It also helps the student to become self-reliant and responsible. One can choose from a variety of jobs by developing communication skills and great employment opportunities in the future. Another important thing one should take into account their studies and lifestyle – A job should have minimal impact on your education. Working illegally will have a very bad impact on your future and one can lead to very serious punishments. Also, working part-time never means to work in some big reputed companies with some high authority. It can be as simple as working as a waiter or cleaning the floors of any supermarket. The only motive for working is to earn some extra money and gain experience.
Now, let’s look into the five best Part-Time Jobs for an international student.
- Work at campus
Working on campus as a Part-Time Jobs is one of the most popular and convenient choices to make for international students. There are no restrictions for seeking on-campus employment with a student visa. On-campus is the employment that you can choose while you are in the first year. There are various different jobs offered on campus such as working in a writing center, teaching assistant, bookstores, libraries, dorms, the cafeteria, or anywhere else, as long as it is on-campus. You can work only for 20 hours a week when the school is in session. However, during holidays and vacation periods, you can work full-time. You can also work for the student union. It is a very good opportunity to helps students at the university. Working on-campus will help you to meet new people, improve your communication skills, and give you some experience. Always be enthusiastic and be ready for the interview as the atmosphere is usually competitive.
- Restaurants and Bars
Jobs at restaurants, bars, and cafes in the surrounding towns and cities are a very common source of income and the easiest way to find employment. You could work as a waiter, bar staff, or even in the kitchen, depending upon your skills. Usually, there are no such academics requirements or any past experience to do this kind of job. It will help students to brush up their communication skills, increases their confidence, increases management skills, and overall personality development. It is also a great way to earn a good amount of money and also the tips are great. The work will be on weeknights and weekends. Working during nights can also be very exhausting, especially when you have morning lectures and can be an interruption to your studies. Usually, a bartender/server earns between INR 5000 to INR 12000 per night.
- Internships
Internships within a company relevant to your field study are very popular and most sought after places to work for part-time jobs. It is also known as co-op or placement. Being an intern gives you much-needed experience and opportunities. It may also increase your chances for a permanent placement in the company of your wish. It helps you to increase your network in the global market as a Part-Time Jobs. It will give you more knowledge and experience in your field of study. You may and may not receive payment for your internship, but what matters the most is the experience and network you will build while working. Some degree courses include an internship that is paid or unpaid as criteria to fulfill during your studies.
- Uber Driver
Uber is a mobile application through which cab services are provided to customers. Being an Uber driver is also a very popular Part-Time Jobs for international students. You need to be of a certain age which is allowed to drive in that country. You will earn money on the basis of your rides and more money on the weekend than on weekdays. It is a good opportunity fun to be able to drive around, see new things, listen to great music, and have a great conversation with your clients.
- Freelancer
A freelancer is a person who does freelancing jobs. Freelance jobs are one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company. Freelancers do take on contract work for companies and organizations, they are ultimately self-employed for long-term. This is the best way to polish your skills. Also, you don’t have to be a burden on the company and tolerate their tantrums. You can work freely whenever you want to work. There is no pressure from anyone’s side or ant rules or regulations. A student can work as a freelance writer, web designer, and graphic designer or take up any other freelance job in which they are skilled along with their studies. They earn a lot of money per hour. It is the most flexible Part-Time Jobs and also open to various adventures.