Welcome to the Final “PhD & Scholarship Updates” Newsletter of 2015. We received tremendous responses to our previous newsletters. Hence, we have decided to include more MSc / MBA / MA / LLM Scholarships, PhD Studentships and Postdoctoral positions for this week. Please go through all the available Scholarships and also be generous in sharing the newsletter with others who are looking for International PhD studentships and Master Scholarships.

International PhD Studentships and Master Scholarships for Study Abroad:
Fully Funded M.Phil and PhD Scholarship 2016/17 – University of Warwick
The University of Warwick is offering generous scholarships through the Chancellor’s International Scholarship scheme to international students starting in October 2016.
Number of Scholarships: 25
Level of Study: Doctoral (PhD) studies
Amount of Scholarship:
- The full payment of overseas tuition fees (worth up to £18,800 at 15/16 rates, this figure is likely to increase with inflation for 2016/17)
- A maintenance stipend in line with RCUK rates (provisional £14,254* for full time award holders in 2016/17)
- Length of funding: 3.5 years unless you are already in your first year of study when you apply then the length of funding will be reduced accordingly
Application Deadline: January 13, 2016
For more details on eligibility criteria and application process, please click here.
PhD Studentship in Infection / Immunology – Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
A doctoral position is available within the Centre for Molecular Medicine at the Dept. of Medicine, Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
The doctoral project will aim to understand the factors that influence sexual HIV transmission. The PhD student will work within a larger HIV/SIV project, aiming for the characterization of cells and molecules in tissue samples from HIV-infected patients and from experimental animal models as well as in tissue explants models. Research will be focused on cellular and molecular immunology. Part of the research program may take place at one of our collaborating foreign universities. The student is expected to, under guidance, perform experiments, and analyse data as well as write reports and manuscripts in English.
Application Deadline: January 20, 2016
Click here for more details on eligibility criteria and application procedure.
Recommended Reading: GRE Preparation Tips
Recommended Video: GMAT Preparation Tips
Postdoctoral Fellowship and PhD Studentship in Structural Biology – KU Leuven (Belgium)
A post-doc position is available within the Laboratory of Structural Neurobiology, KU Leuven. The project is aimed towards the understanding of the structural basis of ligand-gated ion channel function. The specific objective will be to understand the structural determinants of ligand recognition, and the mechanism of channel gating and ion selection and permeation. The project will include methods like X-Ray Crystallography, Cryo-EM, and protein expression and purification studies.
The position is open immediately and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applicants are requested to submit a CV and two references. E-mail to chris.ulens@med.kuleuven.be
Application Deadline: January 24, 2016
Bristol MBA Scholarship – UWE Bristol
Students commencing their full-time MBA program in September 2016 or January 2017 at the University of the West of England (Bristol) can apply for the International MBA Scholarship.
Amount of Scholarship: 50% of tuition fees
Number of Scholarships:
- 4 for September 2016 start
- 2 for January 2017 start
Application Deadline: April 30 for September intake and October 31 for January start
For more details on eligibility criteria and application guidance click here.
Recommended Reading: Things To Consider Before Applying For MBA in Abroad
Recommended Videos: GRE vs GMAT and What After Engineering? – MS vs MBA
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in UK – University of Reading
Subject Areas:
- Food
- Health
- Environment
- Prosperity & Resilience
- Heritage & Creativity
Application Deadline: January 29, 2016
For more details – click here.
Ph.D. Positions in Plant Microbe Interactions: University Gottingen (Germany)
Project Details: Click Here
For queries, please email Dr. Ivo Feussner at ifeussn@uni-goettingen.de
Application Deadline: January 30, 2016
For more details, please Click Here
15 International PhD Positions in Drug Discovery: Amsterdam, York, Budapest, Barcelona, Cambridge, Uppsala, Basel, Leiden, Netherlands
The FRAGNET consortium is looking for 15 PhD students to work in the field of Fragment-Based Drug (Lead) Discovery (FBDD). Fragment-Based Lead Discovery (FBLD, also known as Fragment-Based Drug Discovery FBDD), has proven to be an effective approach towards the discovery of small molecule compounds (ligands) that can bind to biological target molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. The key feature of this approach is that ligand discovery begins with the screening of low molecular weight. The FBLD process begins with screening a fragment library against a target to identify fragments that bind. This requires a library of compounds and an experimental method to detect binding. Once hits are identified, the structure of representative fragments binding to the target is determined, usually by X-ray crystallography or sometimes using NMR methods. The fragments are then evolved to compounds with higher affinity by structure-based design and synthetic chemistry. The resulting leads can be used as tools to assess how changing the activity of a protein can affect target or cell biology or can be used as a starting point for drug discovery.
Many FBLD technologies and approaches have been developed in small biotech companies. The methods are now becoming implemented widely across the pharmaceutical sciences and this includes the full spectrum from academia to large pharma companies. However, the broad interdisciplinary nature of the skill sets required provides a real challenge from the perspective of training young scientists. The need for such scientists is evidenced by the strong support for FragNet from industrial beneficiaries and partners.
- 3D Fragments with small aliphatic rings
- Novel 3D fragments
- Warhead Library of Covalent Fragment Binders
- Development of FBLD techniques for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
- Biophysics Based FBLD
- FBLD experimental methods
- Understanding PDE binding kinetics
- Virtual Screening of Fragment Libraries of Covalent Binders
- Fragment evolution platform – chemical navigation
- Fragment evolution platform – molecular simulations
- Fragment-based approaches to identify novel PPI inhibitors
- Covalent fragments to activate industrial enzymes
- Fragment-based assessment of new antibiotic targets
- Targeting allosteric pockets with FBLD
- Science, Business & Innovation in the pharmaceutical sciences
Application Deadline: January 31, 2016
Eligibility criteria, selection procedure and application process: Click Here
For queries, please send email to info@fragnet.eu
PhD in Molecular Bioscience – University of Queensland (Australia)
The Institute of Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland (Brisbane) is looking for two highly motivated PhD students.
- Using single cellRNA-Seq to investigate cell fate determination (Dr Joseph Powell)
- Investigating endothelial cell fate decision making at a single cell resolution level (Dr Mat Francois)
Application Deadline: February 19, 2016
For queries and applications, please contact Dr Mat Francois m.francoi@imb.uq.edu.au or Dr Joseph Powell joseph.powell@uq.edu.au.
Further details on eligibility criteria and application process – Click Here
Increase your chances of Scholarship by availing our Premium Services for MS / MBA / PhD Admission & Scholarship Guidance
Masters Scholarship in High-Performance Cloud Computing – University of Edinburgh
Four scholarships are available for MSc High-Performance Computing course commencing in Fall 2016 intake. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit. There is no separate procedure for application. Candidates (including international students) who apply for the Master program will get considered for the scholarship automatically.
- MSc in High Performance Cloud Computing
- MSc in High Performance Cloud Computing with Data Science
Amount of Scholarship: GBP 4,750 (amount will be deducted from the tuition fees)
Application Deadline: May 1, 2016
International students are encouraged to apply for the program and scholarship as early as possible in order to get ample time for visa processing. For more details about entry requirements, course contents and application process, please click here.
PhD Positions in Clinical Vision & Neuroscience – University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands)
Ten 4-year PhD studentships are available within the EGRET consortium. The PhD students will work on neurodegenerative disorders with particular focus on glaucoma. The EGRET team includes academic, healthcare and private sector members with expertise in ophthalmology, audiology, neurology, genetics, epidemiology, and neuroscience. The PhD program will be based at the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands.
The EGRET program has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Project Description: Click Here
Number of PhD Vacancies: 10
Application Deadline: February 19, 2016
Eligibility Criteria: Click Here
Selection Procedure: Click Here
Application Process: Click Here
For queries, please send email to Barbara Nordhjem at pm@egret-program.eu or jobs@egret-program.eu
Tuition Fee Scholarship for Master Studies in Finance, Accounting & Financial Management, International Management, Human Resource Management – UWE Bristol
Courses & Amount of Scholarship
- MSc Human Resource Management – Full Scholarship (100%)
- MSc International Management – Partial Scholarship (50%)
- MSc Accounting & Financial Management – Partial Scholarship (50%)
- MSc Finance – Partial Scholarship (50%)
Application Deadline: April 30, 2016
For more details on eligibility criteria and application procedure, please click here.
International PhD Program of DKFZ 2016 (Germany)
The PhD program at Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research in Heidelberg (Germany) is the interdisciplinary PhD program at the forefront of basic and translational cancer research. Students will be based at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) – Germany’s largest biomedical research institute. Students from all nationalities are welcome to apply.
Application Deadline: January 5, 2016.
Read More for projects, eligibility criteria and application process; and/or contact Prof. Dr. Roland Rad at roland.rad@tum.de
The German Cancer Research Center is committed to increase the percentage of female scientists and encourages female applicants to apply. Among candidates of equal aptitude and qualifications, a person with disabilities will be given preference.
Eiffel Scholarships for International Students – 2016 (France)
The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced the Eiffel Scholarship programme to attract top talents from around the world for Mater and PhD programs.
You should apply through your host institute (French University where you want to study) for the scholarship.
Fields of Study: Masters of PhD in
- Engineering
- Economics
- Law
- Management
- Political Sciences
Application Deadline: January 8, 2016
More Details: Click Here
NeuroCure PhD Fellowship in Neuroscience 2016 (Germany)
The NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence in Berlin (Germany) is accepting applications for Fall 2016. First round of selection will be based on online application, followed by Skype interview of shortlisted candidates in February. The final round of interview will be in Berlin in March.
Subject Areas:
- Molecular Mechanisms of nervous system development and function
- Mechanisms of neural damage and cellular age
- Endogenous brain protection
- Nervous system regeneration
- Crosstalk between nervous and immune system
- Developmental disturbances
- Synaptic plasticity
Application Deadline: January 10, 2016
For more details and application procedure please visit the NeuroCare PhD Fellowships.
Recommended Reading: Cultural Intelligence and Study in Europe
Excellence Scholarships (Ampere / Inria / Milyon) – ENS Lyon (France) – 2016
Scholarships are available for international students who want to study at ENS de Lyon (France).
Subjects: Science, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (except Professional Masters in Teaching)
Application Deadline: January 11, 2016
Eligibility Criteria and Application Process: Click Here
CRG PhD Programme (Genomics) Fellowships 2016
The PhD program is open to motivated students from all around the world. The current PhD funding opportunities are:
- CRG – “la Caixa”/ Severo Ochoa International PhD Programme Fellowships
- CRG – FPI Severo Ochoa Programme
Research Fields:
- Genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Gene Regulation, Stem Cells and Cancer
- Systems Biology
- Genomic Analysis
Application Deadline: January 11, 2016
For more details, please visit CRG International PhD Programme page.
Post-doc Positions in Cancer Biology – Lund University (Sweden)
A postdoctoral fellowship is available at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Translational Cancer Research unit at Medicon Village, Lund University in Sweden.
Desired Profile: The candidate should hold a PhD degree and must be highly motivated. The candidate should possess good knowledge in Molecular & Cell Biology and in Cancer Biology as well. The candidate should possess a strong background in molecular biology and mouse tumor models. Experience with skin biology, subcutaneous injection of tumor cells into animals, and Bioluminescence imaging is preferred. Highly motivated individuals with excellent communication skills and the ability to work effectively within a research team are encouraged to apply.
For more information, please send email to Ramin Massoumi at Ramin.Massoumi@med.lu.se
Application Deadline: February 22, 2016 (interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible).
Fellowship Amount: Stipend of 22 000 SEK (appx. INR 170,000) per month
More Details: Click Here
Avancez Scholarships for Master Programs – Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) – 2016/17
Citizens from non-European countries can apply for Avancez Scholarships to cover their tuition fees. Applicants will be judged on the basis of their relative academic excellence, ranking and reputation of the home university and the field of Masters Program.
- A 75% reduction of the tuition fees (4 semesters / 2 year programme)
- Students who excel during their first year of studies may receive an increased scholarship reduction, which covers 85% of the tuition fee during the second and final year of studies
Application Deadline: January 15, 2016
Please click for More Details
Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (SISS) – 2016/17
The Swedish Government will be offering full scholarships to students from selected countries (including India, Bangladesh, Nepal and others) for Masters Programs starting in Fall 2016. The scholarship application consists of two steps; the first step will be open 1 December 2015 – 20 January 2016, followed by a detailed second step for successful candidates from the first step, 8–13 February 2016.
Number of Awards: 300
- Full tuition fees
- SEK 9,000 per month as living allowances
Deadline for first round: January 15, 2016
More Details on eligibility criteria and application procedure
PhD in Nanotechnology and Oral Drug Delivery – Technical University of Denmark – 2016
Project: The Nanoprobes group at DTU Nanotech is looking for a PhD student to work in a highly interdisciplinary project focusing on manufacturing and testing of millimetre sized devices for oral drug delivery. The student should investigate the extent to which the device geometry influences drug absorption. The successful candidate will play a role in the drug delivery section of the Nanoprobes group, interacting with several members working in different disciplines, such as simulation, micro-fabrication and pharmaceutical sciences. The project will be in collaboration with DTU FABLAB and other international labs.
Application Deadline: January 30, 2016
More Details and Online Application: Click Here
Maastricht University High Potential Scholarships – 2016
Full tuition fee scholarships along with living allowances are available for talented International Students for Master programs at the Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Amount of Scholarship:
- Full Tuition Fees
- Living Allowances (EUR 10, 500 per year)
- Insurance and Visa costs
Field of Study: Any Masters program or graduate program for professionals at the Maastricht University except the programs at School of Business and Economics.
Application Deadline: February 1, 2016
For more details and application: Click Here
PhD Positions in Computational Biology and Computing – Max Planck Institute – 2016
Institute: IMPRS-CBSC
Application Deadline: February 22, 2016
Eligibility Criteria and Application Process: Click Here
Janssen Pharmaceutica Scholarship for MSc Global Mental Health – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) – 2016
Number of Awards: 4
- 100% tuition fee waiver
- Living Stipend of GBP 15,298
- Allowance for Summer Project
Application Deadline: February 29, 2016
More Details on eligibility criteria and application process
Recommended Reading: All You Need To Know About IELTS / TOEFL / SAT / GRE / GMAT
LLM Scholarships 2016 – Queen Mary University of London
Number of Scholarships:
- 10 full tuition fee scholarships
- 4 partial (50%) tuition fee scholarships
International students must have an offer before applying for the scholarship. Candidates must apply for the LLM program before February 1, 2016.
Scholarship Application Deadline: March 1, 2016 (4:00 pm GMT)
Read More for eligibility criteria and application procedure
Imperial College India Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships for 2016
Courses Covered: Masters Program at Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences or Imperial College Business School
Amount of Scholarship: Scholarship will cover full tuition fees, maintenance funds and return airfare
Application Deadline: March 8, 2016
Read More for eligibility criteria and application procedure
We will bring more PhD studentship and Scholarship Updates in 2016. Visit our other Blog and Video sections to get to know about Top Universities, Application Tips, Career Opportunities. Do not forget to share our posts, videos and newsletters with your friends and peers.